Christmas Extravaganza 2023
We want to thank those who supported the Christmas Extravaganza outreach. Hundreds of toys were given out, a car was given, hundreds of dollars in Cash was given, and many giftcards. Most importantly of all, over 400+ people heard the Gospel and over 110 people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ!!!
We will continue to do this every single month throughout 2024, and we are believing for 100 people to stand with us at $84 a month or $1,000 a year to see these events happen across Ohio.
Whether you are an individual, business, or another ministry, please prayerfully consider becoming a partner! We will soon be launching a monthly newsletter for our partners so you can stay up to date about how God is using your giving every month!
Sign Up For Partnership Here:
If you can’t currently partner in finances, please partner in prayer and agreement that OHIO SHALL BE SAVED!
Many Toys were Donated

Hundreds came in to register for the giveaways

Christmas Carols with our RiverSong Worship Team

Pastor Zach preached a Salvation Message

Over 110 Decisions for Jesus Christ
We gave hundreds of $ in Cash, many grocery store gift cards
The winner of the car that was donated for the Event!

Kids 0-13+ all received multiple toys!