Submitting to Authority

Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. God provides authority for several reasons such as maintaining order and preventing total chaos, to accomplish His purposes and to protect what He’s doing...

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Winter Revival 2024 | Final Night

WINTER REVIVAL 2024 FINAL NIGHT February 2nd 2024 The cherry on top! Many visitors and familiar faces came as we announced we would lay hands on everyone for an impartation. People are so hungry for the Power of God. The Praise and Worship was next level!! I taught on the...

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The definition of “Discouraged” is: “Having lost confidence or hope; dejected; disheartened.” and “lacking in resolution”. Having resolution means to be determined and unwavering! It’s important to always remember that the devil is a hope thief! Jesus said that the devil only comes to STEAL, kill and to destroy. He...

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Main Event Server 1/7/24

Awesome morning together in God’s house on the first Sunday of a new year, and new month! Thank you everyone who served this morning, we appreciate you so very much! Pastor Zach ministered on doing the works of Jesus in 2024 and shared several testimonies from throughout the years. Several...

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