Covenant Marriage Conference 2024
Get ready, Coshocton! Covenant Marriage Conference 2024 is coming, and it’s set to be a life-changing weekend for marriages, whether you’re newly married or have journeyed together for years. This isn’t just another marriage event—this is an encounter with the POWER that is available when we stand on the platform of a Marriage Covenant! You are about to experience true Covenant Love with your spouse!
Malachi 2:14-15 Yet she is your companion and the wife of your covenant [made by your marriage vows]. And did not God make [you and your wife] one [flesh]?
Discover God’s Blueprint for your Marriage!
Restoration of passion, trust, and closeness in your relationship.
Freedom from bitterness and unforgiveness
Breakthroughs in communication and whatever holds you back
Unity in decision-making and parenting
Deliverance from influences that challenge your marriage
Access the Anointing God put within a “Marriage Covenant”
Get ready! You are about to see God show up POWERFULLY in your marriage!
Singles/Dating Are Welcome!
Those who are currently single, dating, engaged, divorced or separated are also invited and encouraged to come to this conference!
Open to Everyone – Free Event!
This conference is open to everyone in Coshocton County and surrounding regions! You are free to attend any of the meetings at the times listed below. Registration helps us guarantee that we will have a meal available for you.
Register for Free
Covenant Marriage Conference 2024
* Please plan a babysitter or childcare, as we’ll cover some heavy topics.
Conference Schedule
Nov. 8 | Friday Testimony & Covenant Marriage Service @ 7PM
Nov. 9 | Saturday Conference (Free Lunch Provided) @ 10AM-4PM
Nov. 10 | Sunday Morning Missionary Sunday @ 10:30AM
Nov. 10 | Sunday Evening Impartation Night @ 7PM
Don’t miss this chance to see your marriage renewed, recharged, and restored to God’s vision for you both. It’s time for the miracle you’ve been waiting for – reserve your spot today!