Matthew 14:14, “When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick.”
When you are desiring healing for your physical body, one thing that you must know is that He is never withholding it from you. He’s not trying to make you pray enough, do enough or be enough to take it. Jesus carried the burden of sickness and disease when He went to the cross. 1 Peter 2:24 says, “By His stripes, we were healed.” Healing has already been made available to us. It’s up to us to learn how to receive it.
Sometimes, we are hindered from walking in healing because we are trying to receive it in the flesh. What does it mean to try to “receive it in the flesh?” It means, you’re trying to receive it by your 5 physical senses. We should never walk by what we see, feel, taste, touch and hear! We must walk by FAITH and not by sight.
God is a Spirit, and His Power is Spiritual Power. The realm is the Spirit is greater than the realm of the flesh, or this natural realm. When we receive it in the Spirit, then it will begin to manifest in our natural realm.
What does it mean to receive it in the Spirit? It means we receive it by faith. The Bible says in Romans that “Those who are in the flesh can not please God”, and it says in Hebrews “Without Faith it is impossible to please God” It’s only in and by faith that we can receive healing in our physical bodies.
God wants you to be healed, He wants you to be safe. One thing you must realize is that the Holy Spirit, who lives in you, is trying to lead you into a place of healing and safety.
John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.
He is our Helper, and He is the Spirit of truth. If you develop a sensitivity and awareness of His Presence in your life, as well as a sensitivity to His voice and when He is speaking to you, He will help you see healing manifest in your physical body. Jesus suffered so that we can have it, and just like the Father wants to see every person saved, His heart is to see Believer’s healed.